In Israel today there’s more interest in Jesus, Yeshua, than any time in nearly 2,000 years, but the number of Israeli believers who can share their faith effectively is far too small to reach those interested.
Our passion is to help raise up many more effective laborers for the harvest – both online and on the streets.
Our workshops and training videos are designed to equip people in such areas as:
- Sharing the Gospel effectively
- Our identity in Messiah
- Answering common Jewish objections to Yeshua
- How to shift topics to talking about God
- How to start conversations
- Praying for the sick, and more
After the teaching, we go out on the streets together two by two, so people can see live examples of how to share the Gospel, then gain experience themselves. They've shared with us that the practical training helps them overcome fears and develop a lifestyle of sharing the Gospel wherever they go.
We train people to connect with the thousands of Israelis who’ve been responding to our videos on social media and answer their questions about the faith. The need is so great that we’re seeking to expand our online response team.

Fostering Unity
and Prayer
When Jews, Arabs, and believers from many backgrounds come together with one heart and one vision, God’s heart is stirred, He gives greater anointing and commands the blessing of eternal life, just as He promised (Psalm 133).
So we felt God leading us to start inviting local pastors and people with a heart for evangelism to joint prayer breakfasts, in order to increase unity for the sake of spreading the Gospel more effectively together.
And now God is doing something exciting: Believers from many congregations in our area have begun going out to share the Gospel together (sometimes even over 60 local believers at once!). We’ve been able to organize much larger events and reach out to many more people.