Dynamic play button15 Receive Jesus as Lord! Astounding Breakthroughs on the Streets of Israel!
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Lost Sheep of the House of Israel Starting to See the True Messiah!

God promised that “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26), yet after 2,000 years of intense opposition to the Gospel, it was difficult to see how this would really happen.


A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.

Receba atualizações com histórias inspiradoras sobre o que Deus está fazendo em Israel hoje, novos vídeos, e motivos de oração.

Inscreva-se agora e receba nosso livreto sobre o milagre de Israel gratuitamente!

A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.
Free Download
Supernatural or just remarkable? A booklet by Ariel and Richard Hyde. Pages 31-32.
Supernatural or just remarkable? A booklet by Ariel and Richard Hyde. Pages 17-18.
Supernatural or just remarkable? A booklet by Ariel and Richard Hyde. Pages 25-26.
Supernatural or just remarkable? A booklet by Ariel and Richard Hyde. Pages 19-20.


Dynamic play buttonA man standing, with the Carmel forests in the background in the evening time. At the upper part of the picture there's a text that says "Evangelistic video from Israel". At the bottom part of the picture there's a text that says "The secret to defeating anxiety".
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 (Legendas: clique em ‘YouTube’, depois em ︙ e em CC)
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Mais evangelismo online vídeos

Our videos


Navegue por uma série de testemunhos pessoais e entrevistas nas ruas nas quais falamos com israelenses sobre o Messias.

Histórias da Colheita

Deus usou o nosso evangelismo online e de rua para ajudá-los a encontrar o Messias deles.

15 Receive Jesus as Lord! Astounding Breakthroughs on the Streets of Israel!
Dynamic play button15 Receive Jesus as Lord! Astounding Breakthroughs on the Streets of Israel!

Lost Sheep of the House of Israel Starting to See the True Messiah!

God promised that “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26), yet after 2,000 years of intense opposition to the Gospel, it was difficult to see how this would really happen.

Dynamic play buttonA man standing, with the Carmel forests in the background in the evening time. At the upper part of the picture there's a text that says "Evangelistic video from Israel". At the bottom part of the picture there's a text that says "The secret to defeating anxiety".


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipis.

15 Receive Jesus as Lord! Astounding Breakthroughs on the Streets of Israel!
Dynamic play button15 Receive Jesus as Lord! Astounding Breakthroughs on the Streets of Israel!

Lost Sheep of the House of Israel Starting to See the True Messiah!

God promised that “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26), yet after 2,000 years of intense opposition to the Gospel, it was difficult to see how this would really happen.

Testemunhos poderosos! Jesus ainda está restaurando o sofredor e perdido.
Dynamic play buttonTestemunhos poderosos! Jesus ainda está restaurando o sofredor e perdido.

Israelenses e Ucranianos que Sofreram Abuso e Guerra Encontram Nova Vida e Esperança no Messias

Batalhas e quebrantamento estão ao nosso redor, mas o mais bonito é que Aquele que nos curou é capaz de curar todos os corações partidos. E Jesus, Yeshua, está fazendo exatamente isso aqui em Israel e até na Ucrânia!

Sea split in two. In the water wall on the left, there's an image of a baby sleeping on his mother's chest. In the water wall on the right, there's an image of people standing in a line and placing their hands on each other's shoulders.
Dynamic play buttonSea split in two. In the water wall on the left, there's an image of a baby sleeping on his mother's chest. In the water wall on the right, there's an image of people standing in a line and placing their hands on each other's shoulders.

Grandes Desafios, Deus ainda Maior | Milagres Inesquecíveis em Israel este Ano!

Atingindo 70 milhões de visualizações, testemunhando um homossexual transformado e mulheres escolhendo a vida no último segundo. Tudo isso e muito mais fez de 2021 um ano incrível!

A man with a beard and eyeglasses, looks at the 'Medabrim' website. The text "Launching a massive evangelistic campaign, while in isolation!" appears at the bottom part of the image.
Dynamic play buttonA man with a beard and eyeglasses, looks at the 'Medabrim' website. The text "Launching a massive evangelistic campaign, while in isolation!" appears at the bottom part of the image.

Lançando uma Campanha Evangelística Massiva (enquanto estamos em isolamento!)

Não importa o quanto o inimigo de nossa alma ataque, nosso Messias ainda está edificando Sua congregação, e as portas do inferno não podem prevalecer contra ela!

A pair of hands, supporting a baby's hand.


Em uma missão para acabar com o aborto por meio de uma série de vídeos e campanhas públicas, enquanto compartilhamos sobre o perdão e a cura encontrados no Messias.


Alcançando milhões com o Evangelho e com treinamento prático em sua própria língua.

A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.