The heartbreaking situation
Did you know that over 2 million Israelis have been killed by abortion – and there are only about 9 million people in Israel today? That means that 100 children lose their lives every day to this plague.
This is the very people of which God said, “Israel is My son, My firstborn” (Exodus 4:22). Can you imagine how God the Father feels about His children being led away to death?
Unfortunately, in Israel today, there’s almost no one publicly standing against this atrocity. The vast majority of Israelis support abortion and don’t know the basic scientific facts and Scriptures showing that life beings at conception.
The call
During a time of fasting and prayer, we sensed God speaking to several of us at once that we are called to be a voice for these silenced children.
God stirred our hearts to launch a massive public campaign to help save these precious children in the womb and to reach those who’ve been involved in abortions with the Gospel of forgiveness and healing found in the Messiah.
So we’ve partnered with Israel Pro-Life (Be’ad Chaim) in launching this campaign. We’ve already completed a comprehensive national survey about abortion and are currently creating testimonies, documentaries, ads, and more. Our ultimate goal is to pass laws to end abortion in Israel, but we know that first the hearts and minds of the people will need to be changed.
A stirring story
When we’ve shared the basic facts about life in the womb with Israelis on the streets, they’ve often changed their minds and realized that abortion is killing. This weighty moral issue (and the guilt that some felt while speaking about it) has actually become an incredible opportunity to share about the grace and forgiveness found in the Gospel of Messiah.
For example, when we asked one man his opinion about abortion, he said he thought it was fine and necessary sometimes. Then we shared about how you can hear the heartbeat after just 18 days and how there’s unique, individual DNA of the child on the very day of conception. He was shocked and said, “Wait, you mean I’ve killed two people?”
But this deep conviction of his sin of being involved in two abortions led to a powerful conversation about how God sent His Son, Yeshua, to take all our sin upon Himself, and how we can receive forgiveness and new life through faith in Him, no matter what we’ve done.
He was so deeply touched that when we asked if he wanted to repent of his sins and follow Yeshua, he said, “Yes.” Praise God who turns around what the enemy meant for destruction and uses it as a way to bring others to true life in Yeshua!
The Saving Lives campaign
Through prayer and research, we’ve developed these elements for the campaign (of course we’re open to God’s leading in adjusting them if necessary).