Sun emerges from the clouds.

für die Nationen

As we’ve been sharing the Gospel in Israel and have continued to cry out to God, “Use us to build Your kingdom,” He has also begun opening doors for us to equip believers and spread the Gospel in other nations.

​Indeed, it’s always been on God’s heart for His Word to go forth from Zion and bring a blessing to all the families of the earth (Genesis 12, Isaiah 2, Isaiah 49).

​When people from other nations saw our Isaiah 53 video, they thought it could be a useful tool in their language. By God’s grace, it’s now been translated into 12 languages and has reached over 8 million views around the world.​

We are so blessed to see how many other believers, congregations, ministries, and Christian universities are using our content to equip others for sharing the Gospel and as an outreach tool to their Jewish and non-Jewish friends.

"When the video was over I asked her some of the same questions in the video.  She understood what I was asking. Shortly after I asked her if she too wanted to be redeemed and almost before I could finish the question she shouted, ‘Yes!’...I am profoundly grateful to your ministry for putting that video out there for Yeshua to cause me to find."

Claire, showing our Isaiah 53 video to her Jewish friend in an assisted living home who recently went to heaven

It has been very impacting for those we have shared it with...With Muslims usually assuming the Bible has been is quite striking for them to see how the Tanakh (Old Testament) predicted the Messiah us Christians proclaim. May the Good News of the Messiah continue to be proclaimed to all people!

Missionary, Turkey

I show your videos to every class of mine!

Lindsey, professor at Christian university, USA

I hadn’t shared the Gospel with Jewish people before, but this video equipped me to do so, and then the Lord just recently gave me an opportunity and I was able to share about Isaiah 53 and Yeshua with them!

Howard, USA

They were completely shocked by this video and a genuine spirit of travail with weeping [for the salvation of Israel] fell on the whole gathering.”  They also asked for a version with Chinese subtitles to spread it further!

Karen from a Christian conference in Malaysia

People loved it and can’t stop talking about it.

Ivan, Christian TV producer, Poland

Equipping Believers From the Nations

We’ve also been invited to several countries to help equip believers in sharing the Gospel.

​For example, in 2017, we were invited by the Burning Bush Prayer Network to Taiwan. We taught at seminars and conferences on how to share the Gospel effectively, pray for the sick, and more.

A collection of photos of Ariel and Shayla, sharing about their ministry, leading worship in churches / conferences, and praying for people.

Then we went out on the streets together with our Taiwanese brothers and sisters and saw God do incredible things. He healed dozens, including opening a deaf man’s ear, and about 20 people repented and gave their lives to Jesus, Yeshua, including Buddhists!​

Besides this, God has given us opportunities to equip groups from several other countries in evangelism, and they’ve shared with us the amazing works God has done through them afterwards.


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A screenshot of our evangelistic website in Hebrew.
A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.